“s i n g i n g t o a w a k e n

s o v e r e i g n m e m o r y”

m u s i c



Giving thanks for the living intelligence of these song seeds that came to me in moments of my journey when I was studying deeply with God, with the medicines & with the human experience.

They continue to minister me in the ways of the goodness of God, the abundance of the Earth & the sacredness of the reflections all around us to guide us home.

They continue to hold and inspire me to walk this path, to follow with the courage only God can give and the holding & wisdom only the Mother Earth offers.

May they offer you strength & courage on the path as we continue to navigate these times of great change. Embracing the light that is often found in the depths of darkness.

I share these hearts songs in most of my events, ceremonies & retreats and am honoured to have been invited to play at a few festivals in the UK summer 2024, I hope again in 2025 to share some time with beloved tribe on the Earth in remembrance. Sharing more soon about when & where. this summer. Sharing more about this soon.

I am being made so patient in the coming together of my first album & trust in the divine timing. I would be beyond grateful if you would support this creative project through my crowdfunder linked below.

Subscribe to my youtube (also linked below) for more creativity as it comes through.

Living to create, creating to share.

a sample recording of the song wide open ~ received through the grace of bobinsana and the cracking of my human heart open to divine love healing me whilst in the depths of grief & despair

recording by Kavin Harshana

video artistry Elin

thanks to both for feeling the prayer